Sunday, September 16, 2012

Lions and Tigers and Bears… OH MY!

We decided to brave the mosquitoes and head to Charlestown Landing. We drenched Madison in bug spray and headed out. It actually ended up not being that buggy, which was so nice!! All the animals seemed to be out and about, so she had a great time. As you can tell again by the pictures, Madison is obsessed with having something in her hands. She has to be carrying something it seems at all times even when she is sleeping. At night time, I swear she goes to bed with at least 10 different things in her hands ranging from diapers to toothbrushes to stuffed animals. Today, she ended up carrying around a pull-up, her purse, and a plastic bag from her lunch. We had a great afternoon with the animals!!


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PS- We also tried transitioning to just big girl panties this weekend. It went ok. She had accidents, but all in all she is making progress. Wish us luck this week with school!!


  1. She is the cutest!!!!! Good seeing ya'll this weekend!! Let's have a playdate soon! I'm so scared Aubrey will get West Nile I freak! I bought the Burt's Bee's bug great!!

  2. Good luck with the big girl undie situation! Xoxo
