Monday, June 18, 2012

Potty Pro

Well, we have been trying to get Madison to start using the potty and I think we have officially begun!!! She LOVES to go PEE PEE on the potty. Every time we put her on it….. SHE GOES!!!!  She does try to push really hard to go poo poo, but it hasn’t happened yet. I am so excited that she is getting the hang of it so easily.  It does help that she gets M & M’s after she goes!! The main thing we need to work on is for her to TELL us that she needs to go. Right now I just randomly put her on it through out the day.  YEAH MADISON!! We are so proud of you!!  I think she may kill me in 18 years, but i couldn’t resist to share this cute picture. She also showed her best buddy Mackenna how she could go pee pee, so they both got to enjoy some M & M’s!!

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