Thursday, May 24, 2012

Last day of MMO

I left the task of taking the picture of Madison on her last day of MMO up to Craig. I think you know where this is going….So when I went to pick one out of the 20 he took-- there was only 1 that would even come close to working for what I wanted. I wanted to get a photo that I can compare to her first day of school picture, but instead these are some of the photos I got.


IMG_4748-001 IMG_4743-001 IMG_4746-001


Here is the only one that might work.

I can’t believe how much she has grown and changed in a matter of 9 months. We love you so much sweet girl!!

IMG_2927                    IMG_4752-001

   September 2011- First day of MMO                                                          May 2012- Last day of MMO


  1. I did the same thing with Aubrey! Wow, she makes the cutest faces ever!!!! Love her little fierce tiger face :) :)
