Friday, September 30, 2011

We are HOME!

All I have to say is… Madison is amazing. We arrived at the hospital at 8am Wednesday morning. Madison had not eaten or drank anything since 630 the night before. They ended up having to do a surgery before hers, so she did not go back into the OR until 11am. She did not complain once about being hungry or thirsty. She also went straight up to the doctors and said “UP” and they carried her right into the OR with no fuss. Dr. Glazier had told us it would take around 4 hours, but once he got in there it all went so smoothly he was done in a little over 2. This was probably the longest 2 hours of my life. We then got to go back into the recovery room and hold her. She was already awake and holding her head up on her own. After about 30 minutes they wheeled her up to her room….Room 728 in the Children’s Hospital. We had a great view of the awesome atrium playroom. Madison was on Morphine for the first couple of hours and then by the next morning she was just on Tylenol. The morphine made her sick a couple of time, but once we switched to Tylenol she was herself again. We took her to the playroom and she was down and off. She amazed us. She was running around the atrium and having the best time. Since she was doing so well, we got to come home TODAY!! She is such a miracle and we are so glad it all went smoothly and she did so well!! Here are some pictures from our time in the hospital.

* The hospital gave her this cute pillow to make it feel more like home. She got to take it home with her!! They have volunteer make them for the children, which I thought was a great idea.


* We looked over at Madison and she was using her blood pressure cuff as a stethoscope to listen to her baby’s heart. The nurse thought it was so sweet and cute that she gave Madison a new stethoscope to bring home with her. She loves to go around now and listen to everyone's heart!! I think we may have a future doctor/nurse on our hands.


* The hospital had a wonderful playroom for all the kids to play in. Madison LOVED it!!

1 comment:

  1. This is Kelley, I work with Gigi. I am so glad everything went as well as it did! I was praying for your amazing little girl for the last week, since Gigi told me about the up coming surgery. God be with you, again, I am so joyful that the surgery went well, but most of all that Madison reacted in a way that was beyond what was expected.
