Sunday, January 13, 2013

17 Weeks

I am going to try and keep up with taking pictures every so many weeks, but I know life gets busy and I will probably forget. I am now 17 weeks and feeling good. I am officially in all maternity clothes as you probably can tell. I have started my weekly shots and that seems to be going good as well. We are so excited to meet this little guy!! I get another ultrasound on Wed, so I will share the latest picture as soon as we get it!! We are also starting to think of names….I will let you all know as soon as we finalize one.  Please keep us in your prayers for a smooth and healthy pregnancy and delivery in June.



  1. You look amazing! Can't wait to see you guys next month!

  2. You look gorgeous prego! I will pray for you guys! I know that everything will be great! Xoxo
