Thursday, March 6, 2014

Cowgirl 4th Birthday Party

I think I have finally recovered from the planning and execution of Madison’s cowgirl 4th birthday party. She insisted on having a cowgirl party, so I made it happen. We had it out at my parent's farm, which was the perfect setting and enabled us to be able to do a hayride. The weather started out a little rainy, but 15 minutes into it and it was done. I am a sucker for pinterest and pretty little details for parties. I had this vision of a more vintage cowgirl theme and I think it turned out perfectly! I went with the light pink, aqua and brown color scheme. I made all the kids cowboy or cowgirl hats! I also used lots of burlap and mason jars. Craig also built the saw horse game, which I thought turned out so cute! The photo area was a hit and I got some CUTE pictures. My brother also made the hayride happen. The kids loved getting to feed and pet the horses. We are so blessed to have some many awesome friends and family (I think there was around 75 people) that came to help celebrate. It turned out perfectly!! If anyone would like detail about specific items please send me an email!!
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  1. This looks like the best party in the world!!!!!! Omg!!!!!! Amazing !!!!!! Wish we were there!!!!!!! U did a fabulous job !!!!!! Xoxo

  2. How adorable! Every detail is amazing!
