Saturday, November 3, 2012

Trick or Treating

Here is the cutest Minnie Mouse I have ever seen!! We did have to adjust her costume for cooler weather, but other than that it was a perfect Halloween. She had so much fun going trick or treating. We let her pick out 1 piece to eat when she got done….see pic below!! If you are wondering why she is holding up 2 fingers….it is because sometimes I have to ask her how many fingers I am holding up to get her to look at the camera—smart girl….she was copying me!

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  1. she is SOOOOOO darn cute! I can't take it!!!

  2. Cutest Minnie Mouse Ever! Everything about Madison is adorable! You are a nice Mommy to let her have the fun dip ... I despise that stuff, it ends up in the garbage everytime :o)
