Monday, August 8, 2011

Addicted to Pinterest

Ok…. so every since I found Pinterest I have been glued to it and trying to find things to make!! The first thing I found that I wanted to make was a bulletin board for Madison’s playroom to hang up her artwork from school. I did not take pictures as I went along, but I will show you the finished product and what I was trying to make. The hardest part of the cork board project was finding a good frame, but I was able to find the frame for the cork board at Goodwill for $3…SCORE!!  As well as finding a good rug for the second project, which I found at Marshall’s for $12. I am still learning the ropes of doing things  myself, so they are not the best, but they will definitely do for now!! The second project was a new rug for the kitchen. This one turned out a little brighter than I was wanting, but I may just need to sand it down some more. So here are the looks for now!!

Project #1 Fabric Covered Cork Board and Frame

The Inspiration

fabric covered cork board





Project #2 Chevron Rug





1 comment:

  1. I am so impressed that you made those!! They look great
