Wednesday, February 3, 2016

10 Months

Busy, Busy, Busy—that is the key word from this month. She is always on the go and does not want to sit still—the simple tasks of changing her diaper or getting her dressed are not so simple anymore with her efforts to not sit still.  She is starting to say Mama more and when she wants me!! She loves to follow her sister and brother all around. Anything they do, is what she wants to do!! Poor baby had her first round of antibiotics this month for strep throat. She was so pittiful it broke my heart. As far as food goes-- She is eating anything you put in front of her and wants whatever you are eating!! I can’t believe I have to start thinking about her first birthday soon. My baby is growing up and this makes me sad! As for the pictures—it took both of us this month just to get 1 picture of her laying down and smiling and I mean I only got 1. This girl wants to be on the move as you can tell by the lack of good pictures this month. Sorry.


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