We had our family pics taken a few weeks ago and just got the CD....Here are a few!! They were all wonderful!! She was such a pleasure to work with!! In case you want to contact Tamara go to www.bumpmeetbaby.com
Craig and I were born and raised in Charleston, SC where we currently live now with our precious daughter Madison, sweet angel Bennett, handsome son Miles, beautiful new daughter Morgan, and our crazy dog Woody. I love my family to pieces and I couldn't have asked for anything better, even though Craig chose to be a Clemson Tiger when I was a Carolina Gamecock!! Go Cocks!!
Our sweet and adorable Madison was born on February 25, 2010. She is such a loving, fun, thoughtful, and silly girl. She has the most common form of dwarfism called Achondroplasia. The one thing we want people to know is that she is just like every other kid-- just a little shorter.
Our precious baby boy was born early on April 30, 2012 and soon after entered into heaven. He is our guardian angel, whose life was too short, but will never be forgotten. We love and miss you so much sweet Bennett!!
Miles was born on June 11, 2013. He is just precious and perfect. He definitely keeps us on our toes, but we wouldn't have it any other way. He is one funny and outgoing kid.
Morgan was born March 30, 2015 and growing up way to fast. She is definitely filled with personality and sass! She definitely thinks she runs the show.
Woody is our 10 year old crazy and playful chocolate lab who loves to get into trouble. He loves to play, swim, and retrieve. He also loves his brother and sisters very much!!
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